Lawn tricks for Haloween
Halloween is steadily approaching, it will bring happy trick or treaters through your lawn and flower beds, premature leaves that want to decorate your driveway, and a flood of holidays that will occupy your interests and time for the next few months. What better time to buckle down even more on your yard to finish out the growing season? I’d like to offer a few lawn tricks for your lawn and garden to keep in mind while summer ends and we move into the cooler fall weather.

1. Keep Mowing
Even though your grass growth is slowing this is a great time to keep cutting your grass to ensure further health of your lawn. Regular mowing will help eliminate weeds and unwanted growth in the yard, by keeping it cut you will smoother the bad stuff with the good healthy turf.
2. Aerate
as the autumn begins this is an excellent time to aerate your lawn. aerators will pull plugs of soil from your lawn, increasing oxygen and nutrients path to the roots of your grass. This will jump start your lawn for next year, and give you a head start on a truly healthy lawn.
3. Fertilize
Most people believe that you should fertilize your lawn in the spring, but any expert will tell you that it is much better
to fertilize in the fall. You should wait until mid to late fall to apply your fertilizer, this will allow your grass roots
and rhizomes to grow deeper while storing up nutrients for the upcoming grow season.
4. Pre-Emergents
Have you seen prominence of dandelion, crabgrass, clover, or other weeds in your lawn this summer? This is a step that could completely eliminate your issues with such weeds. Using pre emergents late october to mid november will begin the eradication of weeds in your lawn. Pre-emergents will kill the weeds before they have a chance to begin growth, so come spring you can begin a post emergent regimen to catch anything left and by next summer you will have a flawless, lush, green lawn.
Geaux Cuts Landscaping offers lawn mowing and all sorts of trimming to Shreveport / Bossier, Louisiana. We do not currently provide aeration

Waylon Ratcliffe
Owner – Lawn Pro